Supporting the realization of the Nairobi Declaration through Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition
GODAN Programme for Capacity Development (GP4CD) is mandated by GODAN to support the realization of the spirit of the Nairobi Declaration that requested GODAN to:
Support the South-South Member Countries to benefit from the GODAN’s Work and encouraging those that are not yet members of GODAN to find reason to join through programmatic focus.
Make GODAN’s open data support work in agricultural data to help countries responsive to the contexts and challenges they face to realize their development agenda through evidence based perspectives
Provide support for South-South Countries to sustain national level platforms for open data in agriculture that promotes interoperability
Equip developing the South-South Countries with insights and guidance to allow them release and reuse data in support of Innovation and Economic Growth, Improved Service Delivery, and Effective Governance, for Improved Environmental, and Social Outcomes.