Deliverables Design Thinking Identifying your community problem(s) / need(s) and turn it/them into an opportunity Create a solution based on the need Develop and test a prototype of the solution
Learning in life is a continuous process. Facilitation of it is key to sustainable development. The creation of the UN SDGs saw a renewed commitment by governments and entities to find ways to make quality education more accessible and affordable by all. This resulted in the proliferation of open, long-distance technology-enabled learning models similar to those that had been developed by organisations such as Commonwealth of Learning (COL),, an intergovernmental organisation formed […]
My first encounter with open long distance learning was during my childhood and most of it seemed to be from Bible Correspondence Institutes miles away. Quite often I would read of one in the newspaper or witness a minister of the gospel engage with one. Interestingly enough such learning seemed to have a great impact to the learners, improving their livelihood, both economically and socially. […]